Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Uncle Please Help!

“Azathoth have mercy!—the lightning no longer flashes—horrible—I can see everything with a monstrous sense that is not sight—light is dark and dark is light . . . those people on the hill . . . guard . . . candles and charms . . . their priests. . . .” Diary of Robert Blake (H.P. Lovecraft).

Oh Uncle Robert, what were you talking about? What is this stone, the Shining Trapezohedron, what does this all mean? I wish mother had told me who you were. I know deep inside that there is more to this story than any of us know. From my little bit of research, I believe you were murdered because of something you discovered. But, what was it?

Of course, if you could hear me talking right now, you are probably asking me why I am so concerned about you, and your death. After all, you did die (were murdered) decades ago. You see uncle; something strange has started to happen lately after I began to dive into your journals. This may sound crazy, but something is here. Something or someone has entered my life and is haunting my every move. No, I have not seen them, but I can feel them. They are here.

Who, what is it? The further I read on; you too had strange encounters before tragedy descended upon you. The darkness in the light, I see it too. According to the ancient texts I have found online, The Great Old Ones, our ancestors, they were revered for generations before those unwilling to embrace their true history shunned them. Is that true? Did you find a connection to Yuggoth, if so, where can I find it? Oh uncle, please, give me a sign. What is this stone I see? Why is it consuming me? Is it this Trapezohedron? I am so confused! If you can hear me, please help me.

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