Friday, October 23, 2015

Cycle of Three

This is so strange, the ending of these journals are so vague. They keep referencing some entity, the three-lobed burning eye, and cycle of three, what does it all mean? I must be close to something, the voices are growing louder, and they won’t let up. Uncle, What the hell is it?

In uncle Robert’s last entry he states, “I see it coming here hell-wind, titan blur, black wings, Yog-Sothoth save me, the three-lobed burning eye.”

This was followed by Stefan-Kingston’s final entry, which reads, “It is horrifying. I can barely write this. I don’t know if it is staring at me from below the surface of the water, or if it is reflected in the water from behind me. I dare not turn to see…the three lobed burning eye.”

This all hit home with my father’s last journal entry, which reads, “My daughter will not see it, I will see it soon enough, but I will burn the evil to the ground before my daughter sees the three lobed burning eye.” Yog-Sothoth or Azathoth, who are you and why is my uncle praying to you? This is insanity; no creature has three-lobed burning eyes.

Stop! Please stop, these voices, they grow louder, It’s coming, It’s coming over and over. I swear it’s almost like they are chanting. What, no way, can’t be. Guess what? My lights are flickering and yes, the odor is worse than ever. I don’t know who or what you are Yog-Sothoth, but please, help me! I can’t take it anymore. Stop! Help me, I won’t look, I won’t see it!

I have to find the stone and I have to destroy it! Sanctified land, holy ground, yes, that has to work against this pure evil. Help me please help me!

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