Wednesday, October 21, 2015

If I lose power, I am done

I am sorry that I have been a touch incoherent lately. It is obvious, that something is not right with me, and I am turning into my mother. I am petrified of the dark; I am petrified of the voices, the visions. From the journals, if this Haunter cannot exist in the light, then it would need darkness; I mean that’s why it’s called the Haunter of the Dark, right? Its strange, the more my fear of the dark grows, the more that my lights keep flickering around sunset. If I lose power, I am done.

I have to hurry with this post; I have to get the last bit of information down before I lose my power. I have discovered that on the night uncle Robert died, not only was there the odor, but there was also a strange power outage throughout town. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Yet, I can see now that this thing, this demon from the depths, one of the Great Old Ones needs the darkness to rise and spread his wrath upon the Earth.

Incredibly, it seems that all of my relatives have been summoned to their demise in the dark. Uncle Stefan-Kingston died the night before his body was found, my mother died at night, and even my father died at night. Am I set to die at night? Is the haunter coming for me? Please, no, I refuse to go out that way. I will survive and avenge my family’s deaths.

I am torn though on what to believe, this is so crazy. The further I dig into my father’s journal, the more I don’t understand. All I know is that he loved me. He loved me so much it killed him.

According to his journal, he experienced everything that I am now and started to search for the stone, but never found it. He chronicled hearing voices and waking up in strange places. Although he heard the stories, read the journals, and knew what was coming; he pushed on. That is why he sent his pregnant wife out of town and continued with his plan to burn down the church before reuniting with his family later.

Unfortunately, he never made it, as his car was found on the side of the road. The look of complete terror rested on his face and yes, his car was saturated with a foul stench. There it goes again, the lights… Dammit, where is my flashlight? Maybe I should go buy a lantern, maybe that would be easier to find.

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